Ability to see who's talking during matches.

16 votes

I wish there was a way to be able to figure out whose talking over the intercom or by proximity in matches.

This is particularly important for server admins, It's frustrating to hear people sometime using racial slurs, hate speech, or otherwise being verbally abusive towards specific groups while being unable to quickly identify who they are.

I know you can use the "Mute" option to kind of wait and see whose's talking to identify them, but this system sucks as you must get off the match to watch and wait, and sometimes you can't even find out who it is because they simply stop talking or whatever.

I was playing another FPS game in my Quest 2 the other night and it was so nice. You could literally see the speaker's nickname quickly flash on the screen above on the top corner when they talked. It was not distracting or annoying, as it was very subtle.

I wish Pavlov would add this feature.

Thank you for considering it.

Under consideration Suggested by: RealAct Upvoted: 11 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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